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Fulfilling Relationships & Communication

Can you believe we are already more than halfway through the month!?  Time just keeps flying and I hope you are making the most of every day!

One of the things that makes our days fulfilling is the quality of our relationships.  Whether that is with family, with friends, with business associates, clients, or team members.  

At the core of every relationship you have is one thing:


When we increase our level of communication, we can significantly impact the quality of our relationships.  Yet, communication is a HUGE category.  So this week I wanted to break it down into 3 very easy steps for you, so you could easily and systematically become a better communicator.

There is a big difference between "knowing" versus "doing".  

So as you review these 3 steps, I want you to be extremely honest in evaluating yourself.  Give yourself a score on a scale of 1 to 10 on the "doing" of these skills.  (Ten being perfect.)...

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/fin-ger-print/ noun an impression or mark made on a surface by a person's finger

Have you ever really stopped to contemplate the complexity of your own fingerprint? There is nothing like it that exists anywhere else in the world. There are over 7 billion people currently on the planet, and not one other person has your same fingerprint. Not even if you have an identical twin. You still each have your very own fingerprint. How is it possible to have what seems like an infinite combination of simple a pattern of lines, on such a SMALL surface?

Let's take it another step... you have 10 digits that each have their own individualized fingerprint. So now we are talking about 10 times 7 billion different and unique fingerprints currently on the planet. That doesn't account for all that have come before us, and all who are yet to come. Truly, how is this possible?

Why is this an important F-Word when it comes to the Foundation of who You are? Because it is proof, yes proof, to...

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/fist/ noun the hand closed tightly, with the fingers doubled into the palm

Have you ever watched a kid try to hold a whole lot of something in their tiny little hand? What is the first instinct, so as not to lose the precious possession? Be it a handful of candy from a big candy bowl they just fished in. Or a handful of sand of the beach while building the next sandcastle masterpiece.

The ego that is running the OS at that time, wants to hold on to that precious possession more than anything in the world. So that kid, grabs on tight, with all of it's might. Which creates the paradox... the tighter we try to hang on, the stronger our fingers grasps and form that almighty fist, the more we lose in the process.

What does a closed, tight fist have to do with you living the ultimate Truth of your Life? Write down your initial thoughts in your journal or on a notepad.

Now, let's apply this to the people, feelings, or experiences you want more of, more than anything. If our tendency...

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Feeling Like Poop!

Today I am grateful for my health.  Feeling like poop is for the freaking birds!!!

For the past week I’ve been under the weather with a head cold, congestion, coughing, headache and all that fun stuff.  On top of that, I’ve also had awful menstrual cramps and other side effects as a result of that time of the month. (Sorry boys, it’s part of being a woman!!)

So I share all of this to ask you this:

  • When was the last time you really expressed your gratitude for your health?

  • Do you wait until you’re reminded to be grateful only when you get sick or hurt?

  • Or do you proactively say a prayer of gratitude for your physical health, when you are feeling fantastic, as well as when you are facing challenges like a headache or cramps or worse?

Today my wish for you is to embrace your health and Fitness with a new perspective, never forgetting that it can all change in a instance.

Affirmations today for you and me:

**Thank you Universe for allowing me to have...

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The Filling Station of Life

I hope you've had an amazing week!  It's Friday and I'm wondering if you are filling "full" or "empty"?  

Yes, this is a subject as a coach, trainer, and speaker I talk about a lot with you.  Because it is SOOOOO important to your success in all areas of your life.

If you watch my online training on social media channels (for zero dollars), you might have caught me challenging you at the beginning of May to "fill yourself up" for at least 5 minutes every day for 30 days.  If you heard it, did you do it?  If you didn't hear it, can you reflect back on May and ask how many days did you INPUT some good stuff?

Good stuff meaning podcasts, videos, books, online courses, music, a spiritual community.... anything that fills you up from the inside out in a truly positive and uplifting way.  In today's world, it is so readily available - at no cost, at a small cost, or at larger investments, depending on what you're looking for.

So much has changed since I was...

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Is Your Work Fulfilling You 😁 or Draining You 🥵?

Is Your Work Fulfilling You or Draining You?  

I hope you answered "fulfilling me, of course!"  However, what I have found in 15+ years of coaching 1000's of people is that often times a person's Fulfillment becomes the most draining part of their life.

When one of your F-Words is draining you, it becomes very difficult to focus on the other 6 F-Words of Your Life, like your Faith or your Family & Friends.

So this week's focus is to create some simple steps in your life so that you can create ways to leave "work" at work.  First, we are going to go through five simple ways to leave work stress at work, whether you are an employee, a manager, or a business owner.  

Next, we are going to go through some bonus tips for business owners OR those of your that work from a home-based office space.

Let's dive in!!

Five simple ways to leave work stress at work:

1  Tidy up your area at the end of each day

Whether you have a cubicle, or you have an...

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FWORDS RESET Recap and New Free Tool!

It's been such a crazy week for me!  I'm sure you know the feeling!  It was like no matter what I did, I just felt OFF TRACK every day!  The craziest part is, this was the week that I taught 4 days in a row on how to establish consistent habits that lead you to fulfill the best version of yourself.

How is that for irony?

I think the Universe has such a great sense of humor!  Sometimes all we can do is laugh, remind ourselves that we are human, and focus on getting back on track and re-starting a positive streak of momentum.

If you have been participating in the free four-week FWORDS RESET Experience, I want to thank you and congratulate you!  Whether you've watched the training live or on a replay, whether you've watched one video or have completed all four-weeks, the key is you took time out of your day to work on YOU!  To gain insights, motivation, and tools to live your highest and best life!  And for that, I am proud of you! 

We are...

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Flip the Script - Part 2

I hope you had a Fantastic Week!  Last Friday's F-Word blog was about how you can "Flip the Script" on your day, or any moment, by simply changing ONE word in how you approach the activities of your life.

We went from:  "I have to"
To:  "I get to"

Shifting from that little 4-letter word, to that little 3-letter word, makes ALL the difference in the world.  

This week, we are going to add many more lines to your daily script so your life's movie is Oscar worthy!  

By Flipping your Script and using Visualization, you can build one of the top skills that the most successful people on the planet use every day!  From Olympic athletes to billionaires... they all have this practice in common!

On one of my live broadcasts this week, I shared specifically how YOU can build this practice in great detail.  And why scientifically it can work for anyone - like you!  So I want to invite you to watch that training now... for free!...

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You did it!   It’s FRIDAY!!   Woo-Hoo!!

Is that  the feeling that is most pervasive for you on most Fridays? 

It is a feeling that I can completely understand and used to feel all the time. Similarly I can also understand the opposite feeling that many people experience on Mondays… “UGH!!”

And yet they aren’t all that opposite at all… They are actually very similar indeed.


Most of why we feel either of those emotions is because of how we are thinking about what we have to do, or where we have to go. It’s the verbal filter we are using to frame our experiences. How we are thinking about those things that lie ahead of us that we either look forward to or we dread completely.

In this week’s love letter from me to you (this email), I want to empower you with a very small, yet very powerful “Jedi mind-trick” that can change your life — forever.  

I call it “How to Flip the...

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What the FRICK?!

Have you ever thought to yourself, “what the frick?!”  Specifically on where a span of time has gone in light-speed fashion?

Well that’s what I’ve been asking myself the past couple of weeks… “What the frick Brenda?!  How did the past 6 months go by so quickly?!?“

As some of you may know, 6 months ago my Dad passed away unexpectedly.  He was 79 years old and lived across the country from me, 3000 miles away in Florida.  He was my first athletic coach and my last living parent.

The past 6 months have been two completely opposite experiences…

1. A whirlwind of activity, travel, to-do’s, logistics, etc.

And on the other end of the spectrum…

2. The feeling like I’m stuck in a quagmire of emotional molasses with an overwhelming sense of loss.

A sense of loss that goes beyond just the passing of my Dad.  An overwhelming sense of loss that encompassed that and much more, and...

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