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Fitness: F-Word #3


/fit/ noun the condition of being physically fit and healthy

Let's start with reviewing the definition of Fitness - the condition of being physically fit and healthy. I like this definition because it focuses on your overall physical health and fitness level. This F-Word is not about being a size two or having the perfect 6-pack abs. If those are your goals, that is awesome. At another time we will explore those types of goals and the motivation behind them.

But for today, we are going to focus on your core physical health and well-being. Let me say at this point, I am not a physician, nutritionist, nor a physical trainer. However, I am a human. With physical energy and health that has been both optimal and less than optimal at different times in my life. This can be my most challenging F-Word. Which is why I have spent so much time over the years just experimenting and researching how I can feel my best by doing simple activities. What I have also noticed through my own...

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Faith: F-Word #2


/fāTH/ noun complete trust or belief in someone or something, not based on proof

Faith is the key to all else. You are a co-creator with the Universe when it comes to your life. You are not a victim, you have choices, and you can create your reality. This is your Spiritual Energy, which must be renewed, as any other energy must be.

There are 3 major components to Faith:

  1. Confidence
  2. Choice
  3. Charity

Confidence means "to have full trust." Fully trusting yourself and the Universe, aka God, Source, Infinite Intelligence. Again, you are the co-creator of your reality. You plant the seeds of your desires that you believe the most, and then the soil of the Universe bears the fruit of your thoughts and repeated intentions.

Choice means you get to decide your course of action in every area of your life. This is pivotal to living a fully realized life. In every situation, you have a choice. And the choice always goes back to your thoughts which determine your emotions, which will lead to...

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Fundamentals: The First F-Word of Life


/ˌfəndəˈmen(t)əls/ noun serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function

The First of The F Words of Life is often the most overlooked in our busy, instant gratification, social media centered world. And yet as you read the definition above, it is absolutely the critical starting point in achieving or experiencing anything else in your life at the highest levels.

So let's dive in... what do the Fundamentals consist of? At the heart of it, they are the things you do daily and weekly that feed your mental and emotional health. We call this self-care or self-love. Ask yourself this, how are you filling yourself up, so that you might live your fullest potential, as well as be of service to others?

The Fundamentals show up in the components of some of the other main F Words of Life. For example, your Faith and your Fitness (overall health) are absolutely critical to the Fundamentals of your life. But right now, I'm just talking about the...

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In the Beginning...

In the Beginning… there were the F-Words

What the "F" are The F Words of Life?

I have always been a seeker of knowledge, as well as a simple way to translate that knowledge into applications, tools, or other frameworks that can help me grow in a tangible way. How do we get more success and abundance in EVERY area of life? What are those areas of life?

I have gotten a formal education and have my Masters in Cognitive Psychology.  I have my Amazon education, in that I have read 100's of books on Personal Growth, Success, Spirituality, Productivity, Mindset  -- from the classic writings to the currents brilliant minds and thinkers.  Some of my favorite writers and teachers from the my last few decades of reading:  Napoleon Hill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Gary Zukav, Debbie Ford, M. Scott Peck, Eckhart Tolle, Brene Brown, Paulo Coelho, Virginia Woolf, Shad Hemstetter, George S Clason, don Miguel Ruiz, Carol Dweck, Ernest Holmes, Brendon Burchard, and Dr. Brian...

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Thoughts on Fathers

First and foremost, Happy Father’s Day to ALL the fathers out there: dads, stepdads, uncles or friends who chose to step into that role in someone’s life, bonus dads, adoptive dads, gay dads, and even you moms out there who play the dual role of both momma and daddy.  You are appreciated.

To those of you that may struggle with Father’s Day... those who have lost your dad or those who don’t have the type of dad that deserves celebration, you are in my heart and prayers this weekend.

This is my first Father’s Day since losing my dad last October.  Reality is... it sucks.  However I am going to choose to find the good in it by remembering my Dad and all of the lessons he taught me - verbally and mostly non-verbally.

And that is my wish for you today.  Find the good and hold onto it.  If you have a great dad, celebrate him and be sure to give him a hug - literally or virtually.

If this day is a sad one for you, hold on to the...

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Feathers 🦚 Hearts 💗 and Mothers 👩

Every year, this particular week is always a difficult one for me.  It's the week leading up to Mother's Day.  (I promise there will be celebration in this post also!)  

If you don't know the story, I lost my mom over 18 years ago.  I was only 26 at the time and she was a very young 63 years old.  My mom Faye, was a wonderful, loving, and stubborn woman!  And I am so grateful that she was a stubborn as she was.  

Because of that, I got an extra 20 years with her.  Let me explain...

When I was 5 years old, she was diagnosed with cancer.  Specifically, Hodgkin's Disease.  Which apparently was one of the "good ones" because it had a pretty good remission rate back then.  Now we are talking almost 40 years ago, so technology and medicine were not what they are today.  (And yes, we still have a LONG way to go in terms of cancer prevention and treatment).

By the time I was 6 years old, she had gone through...

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