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Amp Up Your Feel Good FEELINGS


/ˈfēliNG/ noun an emotional state or reaction

What do you want to FEEL in the morning when you wake up? How do you want to FEEL as you go through your day? What do you want to FEEL as you lay your head to rest each night?

If your answer is vague, unclear, or unknown, it will be very difficult to manifest the life you were truly meant to live.

The Dalai Lama says, “The point of life is happiness.”

That doesn’t mean that there won’t be many many challenges along the way. What it does mean is that we get to choose how we feel about the challenges.

For example, we can all relate to being in bumper to bumper traffic, on our way to something important, or on our way home from our job or business. Now, look, traffic is one of the most FRUSTRATING things ever. And yet, we each have a choice in how we feel about it, in the moment.

One person may choose to crank up the music, reflect on their day with gratitude, think about their evening ahead with positive anticipation, and be grateful that they have time to decompress a little before having dinner with the family. That person is making a conscious choice about how they feel in the present moment.

One person may choose to put on their favorite podcast or an audio book or course that they recently invested in. And in doing so, they express gratitude for the time to invest in themselves with personal growth or spiritual learning time. Or simply enjoying a book on history or even fiction, passing the time more pleasantly, with a grateful attitude that they are safe and heading to whatever destination that lies ahead.

Now, let’s juxtaposition this to the next person. This person has the music cranked up also, but the committee of thoughts in her head are thinking about all of the projects she has to do at work, how far behind she is, how pissed off she is that she is delayed and overall just a total cranky-pants! Her predominant thoughts are “Why does this always happen to me?” and “I wonder what moron is causing this traffic today!”

Learning lesson: You can’t always choose the circumstances that happen to you, however you can always choose how you feel about it (aka your reaction).

These are surface examples that can greatly impact your day, week, month, and year. So let’s take this even deeper.

If you can choose how you feel about pretty much anything, doesn’t it stand to reason then that we can also choose what we feel and experience as our LIFE every day??

I believe yes. (And all the research supports it) :)

So how do we do that?

First we must determine and choose what we truly desire to feel. Hence my questions at the beginning of this article.

What do you want to FEEL in the morning when you wake up? How do you want to FEEL as you go through your day? What do you want to FEEL as you lay your head to rest each night?

Many people can tell me what they DO NOT want to feel. Which can help you get to where we want to go. However, you can’t stop at what you don’t want. You have to get very very specific on what you DESIRE to FEEL.

What are the 3 to 5 core POSITIVE feelings you want to feel on a daily basis right now in your life??

In the 15+ years of coaching people one-on-one, I’ve found that many people can have a challenging time coming up with positive feeling words beyond ones like happier, wealthier, or just “I want to be happy”.

So here is a brief list of positive feeling words you can start to ponder. What I encourage you to do is go through the list and write the ones down that feel like they “jump out” at you. Those are the ones that are resonating with your soul.

Research the word… you know, that dictionary thing. Look up your word in an online dictionary and read about it’s true meaning. Does it still resonant with you at a deep heart-felt level?

Decide on 3 to 5 positive feelings for YOU. Not your family, your spouse, your kids. For YOU. Those are your feeling words to focus on expanding. Because remember, what we focus on, expands!

Here’s your list of Positive Feeling Words:

Some fun “f-words” to kick us off!

  • Fabulous
  • Fantastic
  • Fascination
  • Feminine
  • Festive
  • Focused
  • Free
  • Friendship
  • Fulfilled
  • Freedom

Here are lots more!

  • Abundance
  • Affluent
  • Bountiful
  • Limitless
  • Prosperous
  • Wealthy
  • Authentic
  • Genuine
  • Integrity
  • Purpose
  • Wholeness
  • Love
  • Adored
  • Affection
  • Connected
  • Sensual
  • Sexy
  • Unity
  • Valued
  • Adventure
  • Alive
  • Bold
  • Brave
  • Daring
  • Playful
  • Confident
  • Courageous
  • Spontaneous
  • Unique
  • Vibrant
  • Balance
  • Calm
  • Centered
  • Kind
  • Peaceful
  • Relaxed
  • Serene
  • Tenacious
  • Gratitude
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Positive
  • Understanding
  • Joy
  • Amazing
  • Awesome
  • Brillant
  • Cheerful
  • Dynamic
  • Empowered
  • Enthusiatic
  • Glamours
  • Harmony
  • Creative
  • Inspired
  • Certain
  • Determined
  • Hopeful
  • Safe
  • Secure
  • Ready
  • Optimistic
  • Healthy
  • Refreshed
  • Renewed
  • Strong

WOW!!!!!!!!! How do you FEEL right now after just reading that list?

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Write your 3 to 5 words down somewhere you can see them EVERY day. On your bathroom mirror, in your car, in your calendar or journal. Just focus on wanting to feel those words more deeply, and more regularly, in all you do (all 7 F-Words of Life), every day.

You deserve happiness and joy and all the feelings your heart desires!

JUST GO FOR IT! You got this!



Brenda F Reynolds
Founder & Owner
The F Words of Life


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