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/frəˈstrāSH(ə)n/ noun  the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.

Have you ever felt the feeling of being upset or annoyed that you didn't have the ability to change, or especially achieve, one of your Fitness goals? That level of Frustration where you are actually so sick and tired of the negativity of the voices of "committee" in your head? To the point that somehow flipped the script and you actually utilized that Frustration as Fuel to take action?

I know I have!

Frustration is not inherently good or bad. It's all about how you use it as a tool in your growth toolbox. It is simply an indicator of something being "off" or not where you want it to be. So we can use it as a barometer check and then set our course to move forward in a direction that leads us to small successes instead of more Frustration.

So let's take the F-Word of Fitness and apply this concept.

Fitness, at it's CORE, consists of 3 primary things in my book:

  1. Water
  2. Food
  3. Activity

Now could we talk about a LOT of other components of Fitness and health overall? Of course!

However what I have found, is that a lot of people focus on weight loss, or on eliminating some ailment, and they simply don't look at these 3 Fundamental things when it comes to their health. They poo-poo it away because these are indeed so "basic". And yet they are the 3 key Foundational pieces we must have in place to build a strong overall body and life.

(For more details on what each of these components entails, read a previous article on Fitness here.)

So right now, please evaluate yourself on these 3 components. Where are you doing really well? And where do you feel most Frustrated with yourself for not taking care of your body at the most Fundamental level?

Grab and pen and write down right now:

When it comes to my Fitness....

  • Where I am doing well is......
  • Where I am most Frustrated is.....
  • How can I use that Frustration as Fuel to make one small change to my daily routine regarding either Water, Food, or Activity?

Really FEEL the Frustration. Where in your Fitness life are you sick and tired of feeing sick and tired? What is preventing you from truly living a life of vitality and energy? What mental block have you had around your levels Fitness or health?

Without our Fitness, life is pretty miserable. We've either been there ourselves, or we have watched those we love, suffer due to lack of health.

My Friend, we are here to live a life of Abundance in ALL areas of life. Every area that we desire to live our Purpose requires our physical health.

Maybe you feel you are doing well in all 3 primary areas of Fitness, which is awesome! Yet you don't feel vital and full of energy. Please reflect then on your Recovery rituals. Are you Frustrated mostly because you aren't getting enough Sleep, Rest, and Rejuvenation time for your body and mind to fully recover? That is just as critical as physical exercise every day. We will talk more about this in a future article!

So let's go back to your primary area of Frustration in your Fitness F-Word of Life and ask that 3rd question above once again:

How can I use that Frustration as Fuel to make one small change to my daily routine regarding either Water, Food, or Activity?

What one commitment will you make TODAY to shift, change, or add to your daily routine to raise the level of your current Fitness level?

Remember, changing a ritual or creating a new one is not EASY. It takes the commitment as well as the structure (like time blocking or tracking your progress) to make it happen. It also takes support and accountability. That's why The F Words of Life was created. To give you a place to go, where other like-minded people can support each other in growth in every area of life.

So please share your one new commitment in the comments below (or if you are part of our Monthly Live Members Only Group, please share it in the Secret Community Facebook Group) so we can all support you. Please also share any best practices that you have had success with in the area of Fitness or Frustration, so that we can all learn and grow together.

Until next time, stay Focused and use that Frustration to Fuel you to a whole new level of Fitness my Friend!



Brenda F Reynolds
Founder & Owner
The F Words of Life


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