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FREE Personal Development Training - #FWordsReset!!


Hello my friend!

This year is flying by!

 Many of you have shared with me how you started the year with your goals, dreams, and resolutions written down and ready to slay 2019!  

And you've also shared your disappointment in where you feel you've fallen short so far. 

You've experienced some successes, yet you are overwhelmed, stressed, and frustrated because you feel you should be further along. 

Well I totally get it and I want to help!

That's why I have created a new, FREE process and experience for you, your partner, your team, and anyone in your life who deserves to live a more fulfilled life!

Are you ready?

I designed this free four-week #FWordsReset experience to be a step-by-step, fun, simple, yet very powerful process.

We will focus on who you want to be, what you want to achieve, how your thoughts help or hinder you, and simple pragmatic actions you can take each day to create the life you want to live.


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Amp Up Your Feel Good FEELINGS


/ˈfēliNG/ noun an emotional state or reaction

What do you want to FEEL in the morning when you wake up? How do you want to FEEL as you go through your day? What do you want to FEEL as you lay your head to rest each night?

If your answer is vague, unclear, or unknown, it will be very difficult to manifest the life you were truly meant to live.

The Dalai Lama says, “The point of life is happiness.”

That doesn’t mean that there won’t be many many challenges along the way. What it does mean is that we get to choose how we feel about the challenges.

For example, we can all relate to being in bumper to bumper traffic, on our way to something important, or on our way home from our job or business. Now, look, traffic is one of the most FRUSTRATING things ever. And yet, we each have a choice in how we feel about it, in the moment.

One person may choose to crank up the music, reflect on their day with gratitude, think about their evening ahead with positive...

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The One Key to Your Successes... and Your Failures!


Dear Friends,

There is one key to your Successes.  And it's the same key that leads to your "failures" or a life that is less than extraordinary.

The above video I did for my personal Friends and Family on Facebook Live.  And I wanted to share it with you today so that you too can begin to raise the vibration on all you do and all you can become.



Brenda F Reynolds
Founder & Owner
The F Words of Life


Follow on Social Media:  Don’t miss new thoughts, inspirations, and LIVE video training tips! 



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/fīn/ adverb so-so; adequate; satisfactory

Have you ever had this conversation:

     "Hi my friend. How are you? How's work going?"
     "I'm alright. Work is fine. And you?"

What do you feel when reading the word "fine" in the response above? How do you feel when you tell someone you are "fine"? Do you mean, "I feel as excellent as a beautiful expensive FINE bottle of wine"? Or do you mean, "I feel fine, okay, so-so, borderline crappy and just getting by"?

Think about your current job, career, or business. Evaluate your level of Fulfillment now on a scale of 1 to 10 - where 10 equals ultimate Fulfillment and 1 equals shear misery. Write that number down in your journal.

This most dangerous score is a mediocre score between 4 and 6 because that means you are in the "FINE zone". That means you are not uncomfortable enough to make a change, like when you absolutely hate what you're doing, or are just surviving, willing to do anything it takes to make...

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/frəˈstrāSH(ə)n/ noun  the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.

Have you ever felt the feeling of being upset or annoyed that you didn't have the ability to change, or especially achieve, one of your Fitness goals? That level of Frustration where you are actually so sick and tired of the negativity of the voices of "committee" in your head? To the point that somehow flipped the script and you actually utilized that Frustration as Fuel to take action?

I know I have!

Frustration is not inherently good or bad. It's all about how you use it as a tool in your growth toolbox. It is simply an indicator of something being "off" or not where you want it to be. So we can use it as a barometer check and then set our course to move forward in a direction that leads us to small successes instead of more Frustration.

So let's take the F-Word of Fitness and apply this concept.

Fitness, at it's CORE, consists of 3...

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/ˈfālyər/ noun lack of success

“Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm” - Winston Churchill

Which is worse?

Failing flat on your face because you took a risk on something you were passionate about…. Or never ever failing at anything because you never take action on something that may be risky or new?

Failure is a necessary part of Success. There is just no way around it. If you are going to grow, stretch, experience newness, or expand your Fulfillment in ANY area of your life, Failure WILL be part of the equation.

How is that for positive and encouraging motivation?? :)

The fascinating part of accepting Failure as a necessary part of your path to success is that it Frees you! Failure can be reframed from being a disaster to being something that is celebrated.

Have you ever watched a child learning how to walk?

Picture that little champ pulling herself up and standing for the first time. The look of awe on her own face as...

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Freedom: F-Word #7


/ˈfrēdəm/ noun the power to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint

Freedom. What a sweet melodic sound to my ears…. freeeeeedom.

Freedom includes all the things that come to your mind when you think of Freedom in your life. This can be related to finances, to travel, to a free and clear home, to a vacation home or two, to spending unlimited time with those you love, to first-class travel, to abundant resources to help others, to any adventures you wish to experience in your life. In some way, it is the celebration and joy of all of the hard work, set backs, learning lessons, and Failures we experience daily, weekly, and consistently as we grow as humans and as spiritual beings.

Freedom I have found is very personal to each individual. Your goals in Freedom are also going to depend on where you are in your life. So let’s use the brilliant Framework of the late Zig Ziglar of the 4 modes of life: Survival, Stability, Success, and...

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Fulfillment: F-Word #6


/foolˈfilmənt/ noun satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one's potential

Fulfillment as a word has many definitions and meanings. For the sake of our discussion today, we are going to define it as what you do for a living - whether that is a job, a career, or a business. At the core, it’s what you do to earn money to pay the bills or how you spend the majority of your day contributing to society and the world.

The ultimate goal is that your job, career, or business also brings you a sense of fulfillment (satisfaction or happiness), as well as a paycheck or significant wealth.

We spend so much of our overall time each week “working”. For most that’s at least 5 days a week, for a minimum of 8 hour days. I know many of you reading this work many many more than a mere 40 hours a week. The reason for that can be many - working overtime or multiple jobs to just get by or to save up for Family or Freedom in some way. Others may be...

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Finances: F-Word #5


/fī-nans/ noun money or other liquid resources; the science or study of the management of funds; the obtaining of funds or capital

Ah..... Finances! Let's talk about MONEY!

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Finances and money? Is it positive? Is it negative? Is it connected to hope and knowing you can amass your financial wealth beyond your wildest imagination? Or is it like the majority of people and attached to fear, hopelessness, anger, and resentment?

Is money simply energy that is infinitely abundant and a means to help others, including yourself? Or is money the root of all evil?

If you are less than satisfied with your financial status, we must start with your Money Mindset FIRST before we begin with your bank account.

I’ve already asked you a series of questions to reflect on. So if you haven’t already, grab a pen and paper and answer a few more questions:

  • What do I believe about money?
  • What was I told to believe...
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Family & Friends: F-Word #4

Family & Friends

/ˈfam-lē/ noun  a group of persons of common ancestry

/ˈfrends/ noun  one attached to another by affection or esteem

Let’s talk about family and chosen family... aka your closest friends. I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience here on Earth. One of the biggest ways that our soul grows and evolves while we are here, is through our relationships. The relationships that we have with others provides us a mirror and shows us which spiritual lessons we are here to learn this time around.

Those that we are closest to, either through birth or by choice, are the most important “things” we have in our lives. And yet in my experience, often times, they are the first to go on the back burner when we need to work long hours, or feel the stressors of money. We end up either not spending quality time with them or when we are with them we are checked out and not present, or even worse, we take out our negative emotions and...

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